No doubt, online poker is extraordinarily popular, particularly among beginners. Joining a table of seasoned players can be rather intimidating, and online, you just aren’t subjected to the aura of other players. Traditionalists bemoan the lack of atmosphere and socialization, while proponents of online poker praise its accessibility and user-friendliness.

All in all, both on and offline poker have advantages as well as disadvantages, and your choice will ultimately depend on personal circumstances and preferences. To help you decide, let’s look at some of the major issues involved in both.

Traditional Poker

Romantics and traditionalist will always prefer brick and mortar casinos because of the atmosphere, the real and tangible poker experience, the interaction between players, and the razzmatazz around a poker game. Apart from all of that, there are some significant elements inherent in traditional poker.

Sizing Up and Intimidating – The Psychology

Psychology plays a major role in poker. This can work to your advantage as well as your disadvantage. If you have a bad poker face, show your hand with eye movements or through body language, you will be in trouble. Strong players may try to intimidate you to throw you off your game and the best players will be able to read your hand without any difficulty. Equally, if you are an experienced player you can size up your opponent and have a stab at guessing his hand. The best players have their body language and poker demeanor down to a tee and all the mind games involved are what makes poker so special.

The Brick and Mortar Casino Experience

Even traveling to a casino can be enjoyable for the sheer anticipation. The venue itself is full of people, the staff trained to be at your service and you are treated like a VIP. Table limits can be high though and may exclude you before you even begin. Some players find casinos exceedingly distracting when compared to online game settings.

Casinos provide players with a plethora of perks, you may even be given free overnight accommodation. There is plenty of food and after a good game, you may even get to talk to some of your opponents. There is a social side to traditional poker that is not available online.

Online Poker
Online poker is far more accessible, anyone can play, and it doesn’t really matter who you are or where you come from. Provided you have a properly functioning system to use, you can browse through best online poker sites to find one that you’re interested to play in. Also, you can use bonuses offered by many sites, so you can win more easily and generate substantial winnings in the process.


A lot of players cherish the anonymity of online poker. Statistics have indicated that a lot of people who would never enter a casino, gladly play online.

Real Money

You are not going to be playing for fancy poker chips. Instead, you will invest real cash allowing you to keep track much more easily.

Playing from the Comfort of Your Own Home

You can play in your pyjamas in the comfort of your home but you do not get the psychological warfare or the poker banter. All you need is a good system with a steadfast internet connection (check the likes of cox internet). This is a major advantage for beginners who may not have the confidence to join a traditional poker game. In live poker games, a player appears to be able to play only a few hands and is limited to a single table. But online poker games let an individual participate at multiple tables and play double the number of hands usually played. This could seem to be another reason that players prefer the online version of the sport. Take a look at articles such as article to get informed about the different types of poker games available on the web.

Helpful Software

In traditional poker, you will need to track cards in your head. Online, the computer will do it for you and in some online casinos, the workings of the game are displayed at the side of your poker screen.

Play For Free

Many online casinos offer free play games, in the course of which you can perfect your skills.

Every Game is Available Anytime

You can play just about any game anytime. The best players may participate in several games simultaneously, just to keep themselves busy and engaged. You could look at blogs about non gamstop casino and similar others to know more about the games and platforms available for playing traditional poker games.

It’s More Difficult to Walk Away

Seasoned poker players know that it is more difficult to walk away from a game online. This might be a disadvantage for reckless players who do not know when to quit.

It Comes Down To Personal Preferences

Your choice will depend on your own personal preferences and your ability to travel to a brick and mortar casino. Both have their advantages as well as disadvantages and both are a great way to spend a few hours. Try both and see which one you prefer. In all likelihood you will want to play both.